Branding and Promotions
The Come Try Ringette brand consists of a combination of different elements, including the:
Please ensure that the logo is on all materials for a sanctioned Come Try Ringette event. An event is only sanctioned once your provincial association has approved it and posted it on the Come Try Ringette website.
Download the logo
The Come Try Ringette website is hosted on RAMP InterActive, where all upcoming events are posted and where families register for those events. All Come Try Ringette events must be posted to this website. To make registration easier for participants, be sure to include a link to this website in any event advertising.
All promotional materials are designed to drive prospective players to the Come Try Ringette website to register for an event. Ringette Canada has made a number of templates that can be customized for your event and that include recommendations for how to promote your event for different audiences, including women and girls.
Professionally designed resources have been created to help you with your promotions. We ask that all associations use these resources for the promotion of their sanctioned Come Try Ringette event. If you choose to promote in additional ways, for example, by sharing images from Come Try Ringette events, we ask that you please draw on images and videos from the Ringette Canada files (see below).
For additional resources, please contact your provincial association. Please remember that these resources are only to be used for sanctioned events.
Promotional Materials | Event Promotion Guidebook | Image and Video Bank
Looking to promote your event in a different language? Some of the promotional materials have been translated to help you reach a broader audience. Please contact the Ringette Canada team to see if there are resources available in the language you are looking for.
Our Come Try Ringette team of characters can be used in your promotional efforts to engage diverse groups of participants. Each character has a personality and unique story. Reach out to your PTSO for more information!
Meet the Team! | Download Character Images | Download Colouring Pages
As part of Come Try Ringette events, participants receive giveaways, including string bags and a colouring book. Please contact your provincial association in advance of your event to arrange to have these materials sent to you. Additionally, a PDF of the colouring book can be found below if you wish to print additional copies to be distributed at sanctioned events.
In addition to the resources provided by your provincial association, you may consider providing participants with additional resources that are specific to your association. For example, within their giveaway package you may include:
- Information about your association’s leagues and programs (for example, dates, registration links and program fees)
- Educational resources (for example, equipment guides and game information – see below for downloads)
- Information about organizations that can help remove barriers to sport participation (for example, JumpStart and KidSport)
- A local sporting goods store discount offer
- Information on True Sport
Player Equipment Information
Goalie Equipment Information
Getting to Know Ringette Handout
Having consistency in the program delivery will help athletes and their families know what to expect from a Come Try Ringette event. This will set Ringette apart from other sports and (hopefully!) drive registration numbers up!